Getting Home As Expected, For Once

I don’t know about you guys but we always end up getting home later than we originally planned. But today, somehow, we made it home in great time!! We got a really early start, for us anyway, and just clipped along. We stopped only for short spans of time, only as absolutely needed, and since our kids travel surprisingly well, the stops were few and far between!

I was nervous about the weather. It was beautiful in Winnipeg, and we had left a town filled with snow and ice and wind behind. We knew we were coming back to it. But surprise, surprise! Most of the snow seems to have melted off! The temperature was above zero, and the roads were clear. Praise the Lord for the weather clearing up in time for our arrival. I know winter is still upon us, but this was a nice, gentle “Welcome home, Born family!”

Thanks to our quick drive home, we were able to feed the kids some leftovers and keep the evening relaxed. And thanks to daylight savings, our children are an hour more tired, so we were able to put them down a little bit earlier! This is actually a life saver, because we have a bit of a fuller day tomorrow. Dekker heads to school nice and early, as usual, and then I need to head into the city with the other kids for some appointments for them. Everyone is going to be adequately exhausted, myself included, hahaha!

It is more than time for Brady and I to get a soak in the tub and go to bed early. Goodnight, everyone!