Getting Organized!!

Christmas is ONE MONTH AWAY! While I had such high hopes to be done Christmas shopping by this point, I’m not, and thats ok. I have plans!

The tree is up! Its not decorated yet, but its up, so the rest will happen soon. At least the kids can get used to it in the meantime.

Hopefully I’ll order our Christmas cards today! The price is right (thank you, Black Friday) and the design looks good! We even figured out the message on the back, so its all good to go! They may not reach their destinations before Christmas, but I doubt we’ll be the only people who have that issue.

I have a Christmas shopping date this weekend, so I’ve spent a good chunk of this morning getting totally organized gift-wise. I have my list of who I’m buying for and what I want to get them. I’m hoping to streamline shopping day and get TONS done! I’m still a bit stumped for a couple of people, but I have time still. Time-ish. Not much. I always struggle with what to get my doctor (Though yes, I KNOW I don’t have to! I want to!) and this year I have two doctors to think about! Gah! What do you guys get for people who you really know nothing about in real life?

There is even talk of a girls trip with Jerilee to Edmonton! Because I could REALLY use Ikea…

In a lot of ways, I feel prepared for Christmas. And then in others, I’m so lost! I don’t actually have even half of the gifts I need. I haven’t baked. I don’t know when the school Christmas concert is. I don’t know where we’re going to be when. We haven’t replaced our Christmas lights that the hail destroyed. But this week feels like a solid kick off! Its less full than last week, and I’m determined to get organized and get rolling!

One month, folks! ONE MONTH!