Getting Our Christmas Practices On

Yesterday, our band reunited to practice for an appropriately organized/socially distanced Christmas event. (Don’t come for me, its allowed, we checked deep into it.) While I still carry concerns it’ll all be cancelled last minute, we put some good time into it.

Once the kids were down for the night, Carrie came over and we settled into our garage for practice. We can’t always do it that way, because our garage isn’t finished, but it is insulated, and we had a heater going all day in it, and it wasn’t miserably cold out yesterday. So it worked well!

We ran over and over our six songs, amidst lots of conversation and catching up. Nothing is perfect, and they won’t be, but we had a lot of fun and the songs are turning out nicely 🙂 We’re hoping to be able to record them and put them on our band Facebook page, just in case anyone wants to listen.

I have really been missing our regular coffeehouse gigs. We are far from a big name band around here, but we were picking up a bit of speed and had a number of other gigs on the books when covid took them away. *shakes fist at covid* We’ll be back. It may in the form of YouTube for a while, but we will be back.