Getting Prepared for Halloween

** To be clear, this is not a Halloween debate! Some are for, and some are against. Thats totally fine 🙂 Mutual respect! Also, I do see the double standard with kids being allowed to trick or treat during covid. I don’t like it either. We’re being intentional with our choices.

I say “prepared” VERY loosely, haha! We don’t even have candy yet 😬But with two dress up days in a row, we’ve been thinking about costumes at least! I’m not going to spoil any for you at this point, because, nah. Thats always a post saved for the day after Halloween!

What I can say is that the few days of preparing and thinking about it has showed me that I need to pick up my face painting game 😆 Also, I should own “face paints.” Anyone else just use eyeliner and liquid lipstick?? Just me? Cool.

Polished or not, they will be VERY cute!!