Getting Ready!

I’m off for the weekend, starting this evening, and this day is just about everything I could ask for it to be! It began by me sleeping in like CRAZY! Brady got up at my usual time and got the big kids off to school, and the others up and fed. I woke up a couple of times but dozed out again very quickly. When I did finally wake up and stay awake, it was 9:45!!! I never get to sleep that late! It was SUCH a treat!

We spent the rest of the morning enjoying coffee and turnovers together, as well as printing out crochet patterns for this weekend. I feel prepared and excited!

My mom had a morning out helping a friend, and dropped by with a gift for me to take along this weekend! SO thoughtful, and SO me! We managed to convince her to stay for lunch and even a movie! It was such a nice way to spend a chunk of the afternoon!

Still left on the agenda is a shower, and packing up the rest of my stuff. I have to charge my iPad, also, to have access to other patterns, and I need to see my kids a bit more!! I just KNOW Waverly is going to cut those two teeth when I’m gone 🙁 She’s barely eaten today, and has slept almost all day, which is usually a telltale sign that those suckers are about to come through! I was hoping she’d do it before I left! Ack!

So consider me officially signed off for a couple of days! Brady will take my place for tomorrow and the next day 🙂 Enjoy him!