Getting Stuff Out the Door

I will admit that I felt really productive today. Not because I actually finished any projects or completed any big household tasks that were on my list. Whoops. Neglect. But I did ONE big thing!! And it felt good!

I got a couple of crochet orders out the door and into the mail! I felt like I succeeded, which was a win I ended up needing today.

There are still orders on the go that need to be done for Christmas. If you’re waiting for something from me, no, your order is not too much 💜I wouldn’t have said yes if I couldn’t swing it. I promise. Just to one side of me, I have two projects sitting on the bookshelf. One big one upstairs. That one is intimidating. And I have a couple that I currently still need yarn for, but will work up fast once I have it. Next time I’m in the city, I’ll have everything I need!

I feel quite shaky and anxious today, so I’m deeply anticipating an evening spent in bed, tucked in with a heating pad, crocheting, with Netflix on in the background. It helps my brain feel at peace, and my hands not to shake. My feet have been ice cold all day, so the heating pad will help. I’m going to be sooooo cozy.

I hope you all have a comfy evening, just like me.