Getting the Ball Rolling

We haven’t been too private about the fact that we’re hoping to move this year. We were in the process of trying to get things started and arranged when we were blessed with Rowan. I love the little stinker but the fact is, all things listing/moving have been pretty much put on hold since then. Recently, we finally started putting our living room back together and it felt sooo good to see some progress being made. We’ve done a few other tiny little fixes around the house, but we’ve sort of hit a stand still. I spoke to my mom about it the other day, and I told her about my inner battles about where in the world I’m going to put everything. We have two bookshelves in our living room right now, and I’d like to knock it down to one for while we sell. So we need to pack up some of the books. OR… we could put them in the hutch in the dining room. But the hutch holds the nice glass dishes and some bigger, pretty casserole dishes. So do we pack up the books or the dishes? And WHAT in the world do we do with our storage room full of all of that storage?? We’ve done a ton of house purging in the recent past, and I think a lot of our mess is just disorganization. But I know that trying to reorganize our entire home is going to take forever. So after actually a pretty short chunk of our conversation, I discovered our obvious next move in the process.

Storage. We were expecting to rent a sea container/storage unit of some kind once our house sold anyway, since we plan to build a home and will need to lurk somewhere for those months without all of our stuff. Why not get it now?! Our house could be so much cleaner and simpler while its listed, and then there would be even less to move when we relocated to wherever while our house is being built. I spoke to Brady about the idea of jumping on the storage bandwagon a little bit early, and my mom spoke to my dad about it, and we hatched a plan. Today, that plan was put into action!!

We have a trailer in our driveway, just itching to be filled with the belongings that we don’t require on a daily basis. We have been approved by my dads work to house a sea container for us on their property until further notice. AND we have a container being dropped off there on Friday 😀 I know this might not sound like a milestone for many of you, but we’re very excited at the idea of preparing our house for sale. All of sudden, my HUGE list of things to still complete before we sell has shrunk down to paint touch ups, a couple small handyman fixes, tidying and arranging rooms, and a big clean. Boom.

With all of these new, fast acting plans, we have to get on things!! Tomorrow we’ll go to the city to pick up tubs, a few more items for the little fixes, a really really beefy padlock, and probably treats to celebrate. Then, we can really start hauling stuff around and getting organized and loading up the trailer!! Hopefully soon after this, we can start getting papers drawn up and get our house on the market. If anyone feel so led to pray for us, and this early in the game, please pray that we can sell privately!! I want to be able to use all of our equity without having to pay a realtor, but I also don’t want my house to be on the market forever and ever. Houses out here stay for sale for a long time. I really want us to the anomaly and sell right away.

Anyone want to live here? Anyone? Because its for sale!