Giving Up?

This morning, before it got crazy out, I went with Cher to pick her dog up from the vet. The drive there was completely fine, and just started raining/snowing as we arrived at the office. Once we had pup in hand, we were back on the road!

It was a lot more slick on the drive home already, but we made it safe. I made friends with Cher’s dogs while she printed something off for Brady, and then she took me back home.

I had bundled up good and proper for our drive, so I had long johns on under my jeans, with tall socks. Once I settled in at home, it was clear I was far too dressed, so naturally, being that I was completely kid-free, I took my pants off.

Which took effort!! I finally got out of my pants that I lay in bed in long johns, not willing to put more effort into actually getting comfortable in reasonable clothing.

The afternoon passed quickly, as an adults downtime often does, and suddenly, it was 3pm and I had to go pick the kids up. No way were they walking home today! I figured I could start the van and come back in and wait, or I could start it, drive there, and let it warm up there. I grabbed some crocheting and, in full denial of winter, I abandoned the idea of a coat and ran outside without one.

I also neglected to wear pants.

So thats how I come to be at pick-up in long underwear in the middle of a blizzard.

This was probably not my most responsible choice, but it gave the kids and I had a good laugh while I drove them home. Our kids always walk with a little boy who lives nearby, so we grabbed him on the way too, and he laughed and laughed, and we agreed that it was good I didn’t have to actually exit the van at any point. He liked that I called them “underwear pants.”

At least they’re cute, right??

The real question – Does this constitute fully giving up? Or denial? Or defiance? Or stupidity? Or success?

Probably a healthy mix of all of the above. I’ll take it.