Go Pinterest!

This post will be mildly mixed up and about unrelated things, but I can’t always just talk about one thing! That is life.

Probably the most exciting part of the post is that I did a Pinteresty thing today! Maybe it doesn’t sound too riveting but I dipped fat pretzels in chocolate for a dessert I made for a family gathering we went to this evening. Instead of going traditional Christmas themed with red, white, and green, I opted for more wintery and fun with white, blue, and a little silver. They may have turned out a bit more “Dr. Suess” than I was hoping but they worked, nonetheless. And if I do say so myself, they were delicious. I’m somewhat sad that not many were eaten but I’m also thrilled to be able to bring them home to enjoy.

IMG_3290I guess to be fair, I should attach the pin that inspired the blue Christmas pretzels but, I dunno, its not like dipping things in chocolate in one specific person’s idea. Feel free to follow me on Pinterest if you’d like to.

Another thing I’ve been looking at on Pinterest is hairstyles. Now that I’ve found a new hair girl that I’m really happy with, I feel more freedom to play with my hair again. If I can be honest with you guys, I’m really not a fan of having the dark in the front. I have never liked it much. I know some of you don’t like my bright blonde, and liked it better with the dark, and I respect that. It certainly served its purpose of letting me go a bit longer between colorings. But I’m just not pumped about it. I miss the white, white blonde. Also, I’m debating – wait for it – growing it back out. No, not all the way. I have never had the nice side swoopy bangs until the cut, and I LOVE them! I wonder if I’d enjoy my hair a bit longer if I had cute bangs to go with it. I was never aware that a person could go in for a couple bucks just to get their bangs trimmed! So I’m thinking maybe something this length?

Pontytail-SpoutThoughts? I’ll take all the input I can get. I may still choose something others don’t like but I’m basically just saying I want to play with my hair a bit and am curious what you guys think. Let me have it!

The last thing I want to put on here today is COMPLETELY unrelated to anything. I was putting up the new header picture the other day (See Dekker’s beautiful eyes?!) and I noticed in my dashboard that apparently I have 3,072 MBs of space available to me on this blog. And you know how much I’ve used? 1,996! Almost two thirds!! I had no idea I had a space limit! I mean, it makes sense, but I guess I never considered I would ever come close to reaching the point of running out of space! What happens then? I have no idea! But I’m a bit nervous to find out.

Thats all I have. My back is killing me and I’m still wound up from the evening. Time to soak in the tub and watch some tv before bed. All I want to do is crochet and zone out but that tends to actually keep my mind going so I’ll have to save it for tomorrow.

I hope this weather warms up soon. I hate hating leaving my house.




Hello dear,
I think you can purchase more space once you’ve run out. Don’t worry about that too much, as I’m sure they’d be happy to provide you with more space for a “nominal” fee.
Have you thought of adding some bright funky colours in chunks to the white blond? Such as maybe a fun pink/purple/red?! Now you’re giving me ideas haha.
Your pretzels looked great and delicious.
Much love


Grr WordPress! I already bought the domain name, I thought that would give me some extra space or something! Oh well, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it!
I’d love to add bright colors to my hair! I’ve always hesitated because its expensive to go back so often but now that I’m blonde over dark, dark brown, I have to go in for touch ups anyway, lol!
My pretzels WERE delicious! I’d share if you were closer!