Going to “Work”

Let’s be real. My “job” is my family. I love my job! But recently, I’ve had a list building of things I need to write out, organize, check, and generally get to work on. So I’m going that this morning! Brady’s work outside is on hold for the morning, so he’s going to be with the kids and do some household stuff while I get some of my stuff done! Thank you, Brady!!

All three devices, whirring away 😆

I have SIXTEEN blog ideas/titles/topics that I finally wrote down and have started picking away at. Nothing especially crazy, but some take time to piece together. Others are difficult to write out. Others I just keep forgetting about! Lol! I now have a few prewritten and a good handful more have jot notes and at least some progress. And some are just a title, because it’s something I want to write about but just haven’t gotten there yet. Whew! There is a LOT of writing ahead of me, but man! When I buckle down and get ahead on blogs, I feel SO accomplished! We all find fulfillment in different places and, for whatever reason, I find a great deal of that in writing!

Speaking of blogs, do you remember me talking about ordering more of my blog books? I did that in January. I meticulously worked up five books, poured over them, edited and nit picked, and when a good sale popped up, I jumped and ordered them! And they came to me SO screwed up 😔 I am not usually that discouraged over “stuff” but that was a really hard pill for me to swallow. Even at a good price, it was expensive, and they’re basically a loss. I move text around pictures a lot, and all that work is like it never happened. The paragraphs moved back behind pictures. I’ve lost pages and pages of text. Today, I will finally lodge a complaint with the company in hope that, if I will put the work into fixing their stupid programs mistake, they will reprint my books for me, free of charge 🤞 We’ll see!

None of my devices are functioning properly at all. They are completely overloaded with media. My phone currently carries 300 videos and 4000 pictures. I have the space on my phone, but not on iCloud, and I’m not willing to risk losing them or having my phone crash. Its lagging pretty hard, and our laptop is on the way out, so the transfer of things is not going smoothly. Its going to take foreverrrrrrr!! So thats doing its thing while I’m doing more of my things. It would be that much easier if wifi was better, but since everyone and their mother is home these days, that’s just not possible. 

I have a couple subjects of research I have to work on. Some potty training help. Just, life stuff. 

I have to look up a few orders that are dragging their feet hard and see what I can work out to actually receive the things I’ve ordered. 

Aaaaand I have to make up a little listy list for some groceries we need to get our hands on to enjoy a yummy, fun day together with my mom on Sunday! Because, Mother’s Day, guys. Did you forget? Don’t!! 

Since I started writing this post, I’ve saved a ton of videos and have accidentally realized another blog I should take the time to write out. Hahaha! Never a shortage of words over here. I may or may not be a chatty person 🤔 

Back to work! “Work.”