Guest Post: Gofundme

Cher here!

As some of you may have seen by now, there is a new gofundme up for the Borns. I just wanted to say: there is no pressure. This is a really huge deal and it’s been a long year for everyone. Please feel free to share it around. Brady makes less than half of their cost of living from CPP and he will lose disability if he is employed. That being said, the house they are living in is not ideal for a fulfilling life for Brady. Description below:

Earlier this year, Brady underwent surgery for a stage four cancerous tumor in his spinal cord, leaving his legs paralyzed. Now, in a wheelchair, as a lively young father of five with an incredible work ethic, Brady is challenged every day by physical household obstacles, limited independence, and a lack of accessibility aids.

After extensive research, phone calls, applications, and appointments, they have reached a dead end in their pursuit for building a forever home where Brady can age in. Hailey and Brady are unable to work around losing Bradys disability funding if he is employed. And since disability pays less than half of their cost of living, they have been advised to start a Gofundme for the next step.

It is important to Brady to be able to answer his front door, and access all parts of his home, so he can regain some independence. With three stair cases (as well as a long stair case to access the back yard from the deck), it is exceedingly difficult and time consuming for Brady to greet guests uppon arrival, or even grab something simple from his bedroom.

Building an accessible bungalow would improve the Borns’ quality of life as a whole, since Brady could participate frequently in normal, every day activities (like cooking, backyard activities, tucking kids in, and being able to come and go through his front door) without physical pain and exhaustion.

Hailey and Brady are overwhelmed with the amount of love, support, comfort, and prayers they have received this year. The level of help that was offered through meal trains, gifts of unmeasurable varieties, encouraging messages, and moral support left them astonished. Without you, this year would have been very difficult to say the least. God has taken such good care of his people.

On behalf of the Borns, Thank you for coming here and reading this. There is no pressure to donate. Please feel free to share this link where you see fit.

Bless you, and have a wonderful day.