Guest Post: Parent’s say the darndest things

Cher here for a special on things Hailey and Brady say to their kids. Things I have picked up and documented whilst sitting on the couch, lurking in the upstairs bedroom, or just observing. Sometimes you just can’t help but laugh, especially when you hear it out of context. I have written down some of my favorite things I’ve heard this year.

“I am far too busy to be pampered in an upright position. I need to be pampered in a reclined position” -Hailey to me

“Don’t play with your nipples if you’re going to apologize to me.” -Hailey to Rowan

“Waverly, stop licking the island.” -Brady to Waverly

“Don’t lick the mirror, weirdo!” -Hailey to Waverly

“Take your hands out of your butt, man! Gross!” -Hailey to Dekker

“Let’s make sure our attitudes are good and that you leave your nipples alone and then maybe you can have dessert.” -Brady to Solly

I wish there was more to share, but I just chose my top favorites. I thought it was pretty funny. It’s nice to see Hailey and Brady be such a team with their kids and laugh later about how ridiculous some of the stuff is that kids do and say. I guess sometimes that’s all you can do.