Hailey and Solly at Seven Weeks Out

Solomon and I went to see our doctor for our six (but actually seven) week check up. I’ve been anticipating it for a while, honestly. Its not like I feel worry going into it, but I really like getting the all clear that he’s doing good, and that I’m doing good. Reassurance goes a long way.

Solly is the most important so we’ll start with him. He slept through most of his appointment, which was nice. He weighs 14 lbs 3 oz, which is pretty awesome if you ask me! He is a solid 24.5″ tall. In both height and weight, he’s rocking the 97th percentile, and his head is in the 99.9th percentile! Hahaha! I haven’t heard those stats since we had Dekker 🙂 He is THRIVING, which is always great to hear. My doctor is always so soft with our kids, and commented on his soft, chubby arms with all of his sweet little folds. She is such a mommy. She was happy with everything she saw and heard about him, so I guess he checks out! All is right in the world of Solly.

As for me, she went over all of the specifics of my recovery, starting with that blasted muscle pain I’ve been fighting with. I went over with her what my physiotherapist had said and the direction we were going in with my treatment. I didn’t go into too much detail about that appointment because where was a lot swirling around in my head, and it was too much to condense when I was still trying to put it all in order in my head, but basically we’re going with the idea that my pain is coming from tension in my body, stemmed from a handful of things. My pregnancy with Solly was by far the most painful, and I’ve since learned to observe my body’s actions differently, and there are muscles that I NEVER let go of, that are always tightened. Even in the last few days, I have seen improvement as I’ve periodically taken stock of my muscles and relaxed the ones that are unnecessarily tightened. Dr. Guselle was very much in agreement with that. While I have always felt her support, I was caught off guard by her today. She was so very encouraging about the whole mess, and seemed to really want to instil confidence. She assured me that learning this information now and possibly making a few small changes will greatly improve my mobility and health through future pregnancies. I told her how frustrated I was with the age old “every pregnancy will be worse than the last” idea, and she reassured me that it actually doesn’t have to be this way. She never once made me feel silly or selfish for having my babies so close together, but rather said that I was on the right track and that she suspects future pregnancies could be considerably more comfortable than the last ones. I felt very empowered and positive in todays appointment.

We had come to the appointment as a family, but Brady had taken the three older kids out fairly early, because they were just too loud. Not doing anything wrong, but just being busy. Its a lot of people in one exam room 😉 When they left, Dr. Guselle commented on how well behaved they are, and how the staff comments on us almost every time we’re through. I love that they feel that way about the kids. I laughed and said “even when they bang on the walls and ride the rolly chair across the room?” She just laughed at me and said she would never be brave enough to bring all of her kids into a situation like that. She said we’re doing an excellent job. I’m sure many of you can understand how special it is to hear that, especially from someone who doesn’t owe you anything beyond “You’re healthy, see you in a couple of months.” But I shouldn’t be surprised. She always leaves me feeling uplifted. I don’t think there are too many doctors out there like her.

When I got back to the van, Brady had driven to a nearby Starbucks and picked me up my favorite drink, so that was a lovely surprise 🙂 But alas, he headed back to work and I drove home with half of my crew sleeping in the back. I mulled over my appointment pretty much the whole time, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m in good shape. I don’t mean like fitness wise, but in the other, more important ways. I’m not struggling very hard with feeling blue, and when I do have blue days, its rarely based around the kids. On a surface level, I’m physically healed very well. Stitches out, uterus a normal size, cervix closed, muscles attached, etc. And for the first time ever, I’m taking more control of my postpartum care and seeking out additional help to ensure that my body can hold up to the rest of my life circumstances.

I feel good today. I love going to the doctor! Hahaha!