Happy Chiro Baby

One thing I neglected to mention yesterday is that I have a little bit of concern surrounding Solly. Nothing big and scary, but I’m suspicious that he has reflux like Rowan did. While this is obviously a fairly small problem to many people, it was really really difficult for us. If you remember, Ro was perpetually hungry, but would scream when we would offer him a bottle. He hated his bottle. Solly still takes his bottle fine, but he is doing a lot of the things that Rowan did leading up to us discovering that he had reflux. He eats big feedings in the night but really doesn’t care for eating in the day. An ounce or two here or there is enough. If I get four into him, I’m a serious champion. Sometimes he waits far too long between feedings, and I know he is SO hungry, but he is too upset and wailing and for the life of me, I cannot get him to drink. So he falls asleep and wakes up even angrier than the last time. Its been really hard for the last little while.

I mentioned it at his doctors appointment and got pretty much exactly the answer I expected. “Well, look at him. He’s huge. So he’s clearly thriving. I wouldn’t worry about it.” People said that about Rowan too. I agree, priority one is baby’s growth, so I’m thrilled that everyone is growing, but I also believe that quality of life counts for something, and if any of my kids are consistently uncomfortable or in any kind of pain, I want to try to remedy it.

I was going to call the doctors office and make an appointment with (or at least least a message for) Dr. Guselle, but I decided to call on Dr. Mike first. Solly was definitely due for an adjustment, and maybe it would help. There is SO much merit to baby chiro, I kind of swear by it, so even if it didn’t clear up our issue, I still think it is worth it to bring the babies once in a while.

We got an appointment for just after 4pm, and met Brady there. He hung out with the big kids while I took Solly in on my own. He sat in his bucket and cooed at me while we waited for Dr. Mike. When he did arrive, we had a short visit and discussed what was going on with Solly, and then he got to work.

I’ll be honest and say that was a LONG treatment. He is so sweet to my kids, and I loved seeing him unconsciously kiss Solly’s head during his adjustment. A number of times, he’d pass Solly to me to prop against myself, check his little back, and take him back for another little tweak. Solly didn’t fuss or get upset. It was as though he just understood how badly he needed the treatment.

There is obviously no guarantee that this adjustment will fix his hypothetical reflux, nor the one we’ll book next week to follow up, but Dr. Mike did say that he wasn’t surprised that he wasn’t settling nicely these days. He said there was one spot in Solly’s upper back that just had no movement whatsoever. Now, he’s all loosened up and wiggly, and we’ll just see how the days go. Here’s hoping there is some improvement!

He slept an eight hour stretch last night, and woke up with the thunder than physically shook our roof. Let’s vote for another eight hour stretch, shall we?