Heading Home and Hockey

Today was travel day! It was time to leave Winnipeg and head back home. Since the initial drive to Winnipeg didn’t go as smoothly as usual, we were a little nervous when we left. Luckily, Dekker is totally the bomb and did way better on the way home! He still had meltdowns but all things considered, it was a much easier trip.

IMG_1127He was pretty tired and zoned most of the drive.

I thought now that I was home, I’d put up just a couple of cute pictures of Dekker that we took on our trip that I didn’t bother posting in my last few posts. Objections? *crickets* Perfect.


Dekker hung out in sleepers for most of his first year of life. To be honest, most home days are jammie days too, and I think its perfectly acceptable! Feel free to disagree, but if I would prefer to wear pajamas all day, I’m thinking toddlers feel the same. Anyway, he is always in “normal” clothes if we go somewhere. Except this random Safeway/Starbucks date with my sister and I! He was so cute wandering around in his sleeper 🙂 With that insane cowlick too, haha! What will I ever do with that thing?!?!

IMG_1117Ok, this is kind of unrelated to everything, but I have to just say something about his sweatshirt. I have an aunt that told me the most important staple for any new baby is having a good pair of jeans and a grey sweatshirt. Sure, whatever you say. But she bought Dekker a grey sweatshirt back when he was littler and she was not kidding! He wore that thing until we physically couldn’t twist his arms into it anymore because it was so tight! It was incredible! However, that was the last grey sweatshirt he had. Until recently we picked this one up on garage sale day and wow is it cozy! Don’t you just want to squeeze him?

IMG_1126Tuesday evening was spent at my Grandmas apartment. While a couple of us girls sat outside on the porch, Dekker hung out inside with Brady and some of my other family. But he checked on us 🙂 He would knock and I would knock. If I spread my hand out on the window, he’d match me. Such a sweetheart!

IMG_1134Dekker at his first Blades game! I’m not sure how we’ll ever top this one, honestly. It is currently the Memorial Cup, and the home builder that Brady just signed with gave all of their trades tickets to a game, first row. Sadly, Saskatoon lost to Portland 4-2, but it was still pretty incredible to be right there, so close to the action. And bless his heart, Dekker did amazing!!! He slept pretty much the last 1.5 hours of the trip, and then had a good supper and we just showed up late. But I got to meet a couple of other tradesmen that Brady knows from around the job sites, which was nice. And the lovely couple behind us gave Dekker a toy puck! Everyone was very sweet to him 🙂 Not necessarily a place for a baby but he did great and didn’t seem to bother anyone.


Somehow we got the best picture of us ever taken this evening! Ok, not the best quality or anything, but as soon as we took it we were amazed that we all looked so happy! We traveled aaaaall day and then hit up a loud hockey game, and had a complete blast! To think we debated not going just so we could go home and be a bit lazier a bit earlier. What a shame that would have been.

To top off Dekker’s awesome attitude, I have to just add a quick story in here. I mentioned that he started teething again basically as soon as we arrived in Winnipeg, and I told a friend that I discovered he had popped two molars! I lied. He popped four. In the last four-ish days. For that reason, we are all champs.

SUCH a great trip, ended with SUCH a great family date watching hockey, and now SO happy to be home! Feeling wiped but really, really happy! I think I can speak for all of us.