Helping at Preschool

Today was the second day of preschool, but my first day to be the parent helper. I felt a little out of my element, as its been a little bit since Laela was in preschool and I was regularly helping out. This meant a whole new group of kids to learn, plus new songs, and working everyone into a system they might be new to. Some kids went to the younger preschool class last year, but at least Rowan for sure is a first timer. So he’s learning the order of operation.

Its a noticeably smaller group than Laela’s group, and its definitely boy-heavy. Very different from Laela’s year! But they’re super cute, and all at totally different levels. I truly enjoyed just sitting on the floor with them, building game boards of games we didn’t know how to play, and discussing what animals may or may not like to eat. It was so simple.

Rowan didn’t need me much at all! He played so well with others. I loved listening to him speak to his friends, include them in his games, and work to remember their names so he could call them by the right name. He cleaned up without fuss and followed directions pretty well. The only time he gets upset, of all times, is at music. And here’s the thing. I think he gets upset because he knows Laela never really participated in the songs at preschool! She was quite reserved through her year at preschool, and she was always happy there, but never sang or did actions or danced along. So once the songs started today, Rowan hid behind me, stuck his face into my buttcrack and started whining that he was shy. The novelty of that wore off quick. I told him he was welcome to stand beside me and hold my hand, but he couldn’t be behind me, whining into my butt. I literally had to pull him out beside me while he whined in his baby voice, “I syyy! I syyy!” The thing is HE’S NOT! He wasn’t crying or actually upset. I even saw a smirk once. He was just messing around in kind of an inappropriate way. I hope he gives in and just joins everyone soon. He LOVES singing and dancing! He’s missing out!

Once the vast majority of the morning was done, we got the kids all ready and hauled them outside for a few minutes of play. The kids ran and played happily until eventually moms started collecting their offspring and packing them up to take them home. I ducked out with Rowan too once all had been cleared. As I climbed into my van, one of the preschool kids shouted at me that he really liked my van, lol I told him I liked it, too 🙂

Cute kids. Its gonna be a cute year, and many cute years to come.