How Beautiful Are These Kids?!?!

I decided to do a photo post today, since I’ve been a slacker with putting pictures on my laptop for a while now, and its time to catch you guys up! Especially these last couple of days, we’ve had some good outdoorsy pictures that need to be shared. Other than that, our days have been really relaxed with not tons to report. We had ham today. It was delicious. With corn on the cob from the garden, once again. But thats really it for news, haha! So, for pictures! This post will be late because, as often happens when I slack and do long photo posts, the pictures take forever to load. I digress.

IMG_6707Behold the gorgeous Dekker Thomas in the waiting room at his ophthalmologists. Cool as a cucumber.

IMG_6716And the ever-beautiful Laela Hazel, munching on fresh garden produce. Or being a snowman. However you want to look at it.

IMG_6729All nice and fresh and clean!!! Sooo thankful Brady was willing to bathe them both. Dekker’s tolerance for baths is slowing increasing, and he is mostly upset if Laela cries. But if he kicks around and scares her, he notices, stops, and apologizes to her. He’s learning!!

IMG_6732Baseball stuff!!!!! (Anyone having a “Liar Liar” moment with me?)

IMG_6737Wagon rides are right up there with baseball.

IMG_6735IMG_6742Sugar pie honey bun, as photogenic as ever.

IMG_6751IMG_6752Who knew a cape could be made into a dress?!?! Dekker did!

IMG_6772Dekker and Grandma hanging out in the garden

IMG_6754Rocking the double stroller. Dekker got out and ran a bit too, but he likes to ride. This was Laela’s first time riding forward facing, having always been rear facing in her bucket seat. She LOVED this, and squealed and cooed and giggled throughout the entire walk. It was super adorable.

IMG_6761IMG_6762This girl doesn’t have to be smiling huge to be stunning. She just shocks me.

IMG_6764My big strong helper, working hard to push his sister in the stroller (off the road)

Thats the end for today! I do wish Dekker was a bit more cooperative with posing for pictures but alas, he is not. But he’s still the same beautiful little boy he’s always been, just getting older and more busy as time moves on. I adore these kids. They are completely unbelievable. I can’t believe there will soon be a third amazing child given to us to cherish and drool over. How blessed are we?!?!