How to Trick Children Into Thinking You’re a Strict Aunt: Weekend Edition


Step 1: Display a sense of authority by turning on a brand new Netflix movie at 10am, called “Dog On Trouble” and commanding the children to enjoy it.

Step 2: Deliver highly nutritious snacks to the minors so they can taste your toughness. 

Step 3: Spend HOURS cooking and baking lunch from scratch so they know you’re capable of anything. 

Step 4: Work the oldest girl to the bone during naptime. Cinderella isn’t a myth. 

Step 5: After naptime is over, teach the children tough lessons about basketball through a dry documentary called “Space Jam.”

Step 6: Leave them out in a dangerous storm.

Step 7: Cook a healthy meal so they don’t enjoy life too much. They must learn that disappointment is a major part of growing up.

Step 8: Science Saturday never ended. Time to learn about why pollination is an essential part of life on earth. I like to use “Bee Movie” to explain these necessary values. 

Step 9: Crush their spirits by making them clean up the toys they played with in between visual lectures. 

Step 10: Toss them in a room with the lights off for hours. 

Step 11: Keep the oldest girl up to organize papers until she is too tired to “even.” 


Step 1: Send the children downstairs shortly after breakfast. It’s cold down there. 

Step 2: Visit with their grandma until lunch time while conducting an extreme plan to feed them food that was grown outside, followed by more food that makes them healthy. 

Step 3: In the afternoon, drag the children outside to a place full of water and rocks and caution signs. Feed them horrifying snacks.

Step 5: On the way back, welcome the oldest boy back home from a weekend away by requiring him to bathe before supper.

Step 6: While the grandmother cooks perogies and sausage for dinner, command obedience while aggressively playing the Hamilton soundtrack. 

Step 7: Abandon the children after supper to go have a fire with someone else, leaving them with someone who loves them dearly. That oughta teach them. 

mama jeanne

You’re the best Cher. Too bad you weren’t my auntie. I’d love hanging out with you. 😁