How was the Party?

In case you somehow missed it, we threw a party this morning in celebration of our beautiful Wavy. I admit that I am BUSHED and the details will have to wait for tomorrow, but I wanted to pop in here and send out a huge THANK YOU to everyone who made the time to come and get their snuggle on with our littlest miss. We were completely floored by the turn out and the loved poured out over her and our family. Speaking for myself, I never expected to have so many people invested in our life, but I am so happy to be able to share her with the masses! Our last guests left around 1:30pm, and honestly, if a whole fresh group of people came in the door at that very moment, it would’ve been amazing 🙂 I could’ve kept partying all day. Easily.

We had so many guests from all different places, which I found SO exciting! Not only did we know them from all different times of life, but they came from all kinds of different places. Not everyone was just local to our little town. Some drove hours to come, and moved important plans around to be here! SO many people made a significant effort to make an appearance. Our house was positively teeming with families! It was pretty humbling.

We had a little story book for Wavy for people to write notes in, and I was in tears reading them after the fact. Our little girl is SO well loved already, and she is only 12 days old. She has been covered with prayer for months, and not just by her parents, but all kinds of people who don’t have to be even interested in her life, but have chosen to be! I say again, humbled is a great word.

The guest of honour made her rounds through her admirers, sleeping the entire time. You’d never know it, though, because she seemed pretty pooped. She’ll obviously never remember her party, but I will. I’m going to post a heck of a lot more details about it tomorrow, and put credit where credit is due, but tonight, we REST. The kids are trashed, and so are their parents.

Gotta get this little girl fed and off to bed! Party time is over, for now 🙂 Was AWESOME while it lasted, though!

Thank you, all, once again. What an amazing day!