I am Thankful for You

I wanted to really thank you guys. So so many of you have reached out to celebrate our latest venture of fostering. Some encouragements are more than I even know what to do with. My counsellor would laugh and tell me to let people say nice things to me! And I would burrow. But I’m working on that 😅 It has been incredibly humbling to hear from so many of you that you believe this is a good move for us. Thank you so much for your warmth and care towards our family 💜 It is yet another time where its clear to me that we have an incredible community of people, whether in person or not, in our corner, invested. Its an incredible feeling.

Our hearts to foster stem from the desire to pour love out onto children who are entering an unfair situation completely innocently. Its not a secret that the foster system is far from perfect. Its all flawed. We all know it. Even they know it. We cannot know where these children are going to go after they leave our home, or how well they will be loved. So the goal is to put the bureaucracy and anger at injustice aside, and just POUR LOVE OUT. None of this stuff is for us. For me. It is for them. We choose to take the emotional hit when they go in order to give them GOOD solid deep love while we have them. Attachment. Connection. Affection. Guidance. A family.

We praise the Lord that we were able to be approved and to offer even just some care to someone who needs a place to be loved and cared for. If it all stopped today, it would have been worth it for this one week with this one child. ALL glory to God, and zero to man. We would NOT be fostering if not for HIM!