I heart saturdays

Yesterday was an awesome day! We had a nice supper with friends and then lead worship with another great friend at our church for a group of bible school students. Lots of the other reasons are posted in the previous post, which got record views in record time yesterday! Thanks for reading. I wish I knew who you all were. And who my readers are from the states. Is there anyone who reads regularly who doesn’t know me personally? I would love to know, but not many of you are quick to comment. Which is fine, by the way! I guess that’s just the mystery of blogging.

Today has been wonderful so far. Brady and I woke up before Dekker and watched a movie in bed. From there, we had breakfast with Dekker. He has recently been quite fidgety while he eats, smacking the spoon around and throwing food everywhere. Today, he ate sooo well! The road to solid food has been long for us, but for breakfast today, Dekker had Cheerios, yogurt, peaches, a little bit of egg, and milk. No fuss whatsoever. I love seeing that progress. We brought him downstairs and played for a good hour before he was ready for bed. Ok, side note. No, we don’t banish the kid downstairs where he gets no sunlight to be mean or anything. Its our only carpet in the house and its easier for him to pull up on the couches and walk along them. Our laminate flooring makes for a lot of wipeouts and head bumps.

Since Dekker has gone to bed, we’ve doen a bit of laundry and are in the process of coming up with lunch. We’ll watch “Lost” over lunch (and probably for a bit after that) before we get a couple more things done. Only a couple.

We want to practice music for Sunday morning, and want to reorganize a bit in the kitchen. We have a big snack cupboard in our kitchen, and yet all of Dekker’s food and fruit cups are in the pantry. I’m thinking we should switch that up. Hide the snacks so they’re not as readily available, and have Dekker’s food somewhere easier to access. Makes sense to me! If we have extra energy, maybe we’ll reorganize the freezer too, considering the seventy-odd pounds of beef that have been added in the recent past have nowhere to go. Also importantly, we need to throw out the ancient, freezer burnt things, and making sure all things are in their respective families. I know, it sounds a little neurotic, but if there are three frozen pizzas together and one more on the other side of the freezer, the loner will never get eaten, right? (Please, keep it to yourself, those of you who wouldn’t dream of eating frozen pizza. We’re not perfect.)

I actually had an interesting thought about the ‘reorganizing the freezer project.’ I saw on Pinterest once that someone suggested writing what laundry shouldn’t be dried on the dryer with a whiteboard marker. Completely genius, in my opinion. Would it work the same on the freezer? I mean, I could write everything that’s in the freezer on the freezer, and then if we used it, I’d wipe it off. So we’d always know what was in there, without having to dig! Would it work?

I guess the worst case scenario would be just buying a whiteboard…


Nice how you re getting organized! I like that, I love doing it too! Writing on the freezer is a Great idea. I’ll get right on that!! I just bought Rosie washable window writers( for her birthday) so she can draw all her pictures on the front window where she likes to sit. What can you do with those? Nice colours, on mirrors too!?


Nice how you re getting organized! I like that, I love doing it too! Writing on the freezer is a Great idea. I’ll get right on that!! I just bought Rosie washable window writers( for her birthday) so she can draw all her pictures on the front window where she likes to sit. What can you do with those? Nice colours, on mirrors too!?