I Know, I Know, Its Too Early to Think About Christmas…

But I can’t help it! I love the Christmas season! Part of me is nervous that I’m going to struggle with Christmas a bit when I come to terms with still living here when I was so confident that last Christmas would in fact be our last Christmas in this house. However, I’m currently super gung ho about Christmas, regardless of where we’re living, so I’m rolling with it! If my emotions want to be positive, I’m going to let them!

For some reason, I’m feeling like I’d really like to send out family picture cards this year. We made them once, but I never ended up sending them out. People who I saw got them, but I didn’t mail any. Total fail, I know. Either way, I’m kind of out of the loop. People still send pictures out, right? I’ve been trying to build a picture on vistaprint like usual, but I can’t find anything that looks quite like I want. Also, I don’t have a good family picture of us! I mean, I have one from this summer, but I had to crop it kind of funny because somehow I had an unreasonable amount of cleavage in it. So with that, it doesn’t fit very nicely on cards. Ugh. I think I should get a picture of us, then address all of the envelopes so I’ll for sure send them out, and THEN try to design and order them! Is anyone else as bad at this as I am?

Other than that, I’m already compiling ideas for what to bake for the season, what gifts I’d like to give to who, and where we’ll be when. I’m so excited to plan for the Christmas season! I feel like I need to get a move on this Christmas picture thing, though, or I’m just not going to do it. Please! If anyone has good tips, design skills, etc., pass them on! I have never successfully done this part of Christmas!