I Saw My Doctor Today

think I’m going to talk about my appointment today, and I’ll leave out a few details and put them in the series post, so there isn’t too much overlap, I promise! I don’t want to get boring and repeat myself too much, but I also don’t want to wait to post about my appointment, because I think I’m going to change my series day to Tuesday. It’ll just be easier to remember my rollover day that way 🙂 Aaaaanyway…

I had a prenatal appointment this morning. My last one was five weeks ago, and it wasn’t with Dr. Guselle, but with a student doctor. Conveniently, we knew her and all was well, but I haven’t seen my doctor since the dreaded week between finding out Theo had died, and actually making the decision to help him come out of my body and officially “losing” him. It wasn’t our best visit, so it was really good to see her today and catch back up.

We brought the whole gang, which we haven’t done in a while. It was a LOUD appointment, haha, but it was really good 🙂 It was the “big” appointment, so it was filling out the long sheet of questions, the family history, the physical, trying to hear the heartbeat on the doppler for the first time, etc. It was a long appointment, but I actually really like the big appointment. It makes me feel organized and a bit more ready, and like its all real. Plus, I have had enough normal paps in the last few years to not need one for a couple now, so I know its too much info, but YAY for not needing a pap today! Win!

While the kids pushed around the rolly chairs and climbed on and off the exam table, we went through all the questions. There was a very interesting moment when we went through basic info/history of our kids, and Brady and I disagreed about when Solly’s birthday was! Hahaha! It was the ultimate parent fail moment, where I thought it was one day and Brady thought it was another, and we both had legit reasons that we knew we were right. I’ll toot my own horn here and say that Dr. Guselle laughed at us, looked it up herself, and I was right. Whew! 😅 But I was really starting to wonder if I had it wrong!!! Panic to the max!

My physical went fine, nothing riveting to report on that. I’ve gained some weight, but I’ve ben eating nonstop to keep my nausea at bay, so I can’t complain or be surprised. My blood pressure was fine, nothing swollen anywhere weird, lymph nodes are all happy, ab muscles are all nicely connected to one another, lungs are clear, etc. She felt for my uterus in my lower abdomen and sure enough, there it was! Not the bump I’ve been anticipating, but she commented right away that it was right there. I felt for it, and it was hard in that spot, just not very raised, but I’m not picky! She grabbed the doppler next and began the hunt for the baby’s tiny little heartbeat. We saw it only yesterday on our ultrasound, but I still really appreciated that she tried for it. It was a longer hunt, and she mentioned that sometimes, baby is still tucked so far down that it might not be possible to find. She asked if I would be nervous or worried if I left todays appointment not hearing it, and I assured her it would be fine. I mean I JUST saw it the day before. But she kept on hunting. We kept having moments where we’d just look at each other, positive we had just heard but it, but just couldn’t pin it down. She kept digging for it, as low as she could possible get her doppler down, and then out of nowhere, she found the baby, waaay high up! Higher up than I thought my uterus even came! We were both happily surprised, and I thanked her for trying so hard to find it for me. It was a strong, fast heartbeat, and we even managed to get it on video! (I wish it was as easy to add a video on here as it is to add a picture, but it has to be through YouTube or something similar, and I just don’t always think it would matter enough to people to put in the extra effort. Merp.) It was a really really uplifting appointment, and I feel more and more like this is all real. IT IS!!

All of the kids were pretty over it by the time we left, but Dr. Guselle walked us out to the desk and made sure everyone got set up with a sticker of their choice first 🙂 Pretty perfect that there were Paw Patrol stickers this time around! We got all that we needed, and I booked an appointment for Solly on the way out, since I keep forgetting he needs his one year vaccines!! Its ok, I’m only maybe 6 weeks behind, I’m not as far behind as I’ve been in the past!!

Todays appointment just felt like a great success 🙂 I feel optimistic about our baby and my pregnancy and what is to come. I feel encouraged and excited and thankful. Its a good way to feel at the end of a morning at the doctors!!!