If He HAS to Work Saturday…

Brady is at work today, which pretty much always makes for a challenging kind of day. Not to be a downer! Just to be honest. Its hard to not have him here on a Saturday. This one really caught me off guard because Brady forgot to put it on the calendar. Total accident! And we’ll survive. But its a merp, for sure.

However, if he has to work a Saturday near the Christmas season, this is the one to work! Its not actually too close to the holidays, and he doesn’t have to think about another Saturday until the new year! Heyooo!

While Brady works today, I’m pre-writing a bit for the blog, doing laundry, icing some cookies, making sure everyone takes a bath, and doing a bit of work on Christmas cards becauuuuuse they came yesterday! YES!!!

There are definitely still things to do but I think thats a decent list for a Saturday 🙂 I hope you’re having a happy, productive, peaceful Saturday!