I’m Grateful For You, Mom

My mom and I made plans to spend a chunk of today together. I had invited her for lunch and the afternoon, but as she realized her schedule, we agreed to meet after lunch. As luck would have it, things happened quicker this morning than anticipated, and I got to have her over when I had originally invited her for! Eleven o’clock is a good time of the day 🙂

We had a truly lovely day together. I have missed my mom so much recently, as our schedules never seem to match up. Trust me, I know many people see their mom less than I see mine, but that doesn’t mean I’m not allowed to want to see her more. We have a wonderful friendship, she and I. Our relationship has gone through its stages of change, from when I graduated, to when I was engaged, to now being married, and lots of stages in between. She will always be my mommy, and I will always be one of her babies, but we are friends. And I love that.

So much has changed even just around our house that she hasn’t seen, so I toured her around my en suite, showed her the few Ikea things we bought that are set up, and our garage FILLED with furniture and whatever else that is getting painted. We talked about this summer, recapped events that have happened, and planned a bit for those to come. I shared with her some ambitions I have, some that are new and some that are growing from ambition buds I’ve had for a while. Aw. That sounds cute. Ambition buds. I like those. They sound less ominous, somehow. Why is ambition so scary?? The buds aren’t!

We had a yummy lunch together, and visited while she rocked Solly to sleep. It was such a nice time together. Like really really good friends catching up.

I’m SO grateful for you, mom. Thank you for coming, and for being in my home with my family. We sure do love you around here ♥

mama jeanne

Thank you, my sweet girl. I’m so glad you are my baby and my dear friend. I love you forever and for always!!!!!!!!