
At the end of the day yesterday, I couldn’t even turn my head. It was pretty painful, and I constantly pushed down my worries about it, as I had been forewarned that my knots were BIG and I was going to feel my treatment after the fact. I did. She was not kidding. Wow. But I woke up feeling more awake than I have in a while, and in less pain. Now, let me be clear. I was still in pain. I am still in pain. Full body pain. But nothing is impossible to use. Everything is totally usable. Just a little achy. That is a HUGE victory for me!

It probably doesn’t sound like a huge deal to many people, but if you’ve spent literally any time with me in the recent past, you’ll know how decrepit I’ve become. The last few weeks have been bizarrely painful. The last time I felt this level of pain for this length of time was in my pregnancy with Solomon. I was at SUCH a loss by the end of that pregnancy, I remember crying to my physiotherapist and my doctor, saying I felt legitimately handicapped. That SCARED me. While its been a different pain this time, its been pretty debilitating, honestly, and I’ve suuuuuper hated it.

Today feels hopeful. I feel like I will catch up and move freely again. I’ve been feeling pretty “doomsday” in that department as of late, and while I’m in no way “all better,” I’m a little better! All over, a little better. That alone is a win.

My surprise moral at the end of this is that if you feel like you can do something to help someone else, and you have the capacity, time, and head space for it, DO IT! I received a treatment and a brace yesterday, and I am worlds apart improved today! Thank you Lord, for healing, and for working through people around me!! What a gift.