Improvement Already

Yesterday, Rowan hated yogurt. Today, I had the foresight to take it out a little bit in advance so it wasn’t so cold for him, and he ate an entire yogurt cup! I see that Rowans new “diet” will take a bit of figuring, but I’m up for it! I’ll get into the city this weekend and stock up on some snacks and such for him, and feel a bit more prepared, but I think I can safely say that I already saw improvement today! This is great news 😀

We had a really yummy supper of ham, rice, and green bean casserole. I know both Dekker and Laela love rice, and I know Dekker likes ham, but Laela isn’t pumped about meat usually. And they both fight the cooked beans. Laela struggled through supper, but Dekker did awesome! He ate tons, even his beans, and said over and over again “This is such a yummy supper, thanks for making me this supper.” So I’m calling it a success. While I had a decently productive day, there is still more to do. I feel pretty wiped out, but Brady is energized, praise the Lord, so we’re going to tag team a few jobs once Rowan is down. I’m actually looking forward to some time just being together. We’ve just been going and going, and yes, this evening will be more of the same, but I feel less stressed today, just tired, and Brady is feeling motivated, so it should be a pretty good time.

I finally feel like I’m starting to get a grasp on things. Not everything, but its beginning to be less overwhelming. If we can accomplish a chunk of baking tonight, we’re already in better shape. Brady brought home a bunch of moving boxes and packing materials that we’ve been storing in our container, so we’re ready for packing whenever the mood strikes! We’re not completely prepared, or even a little bit, but we’re prepared enough that I’m not losing sleep over it.

As I’ve said a lot over the last few days, small victories, but victories nonetheless.