In His Element

Today was unlike any other for Mr. Dekker Thomas. He found his niche out here. And that just happens to be in the dogs paddling pool, on the deck, naked.

I believe I’ve mentioned in the past that Dekker likes neither water nor being naked. However, a beautiful white shade was set up on the deck, with a pool and toys nearby. We didn’t think he’d ever actually get in the water, but thought he might play with the toys from beside the pool. However, he was intrigued and kept asking. Brady asked my thoughts and I said he could get undressed and check it out if he wanted to, but not to worry about a swim diaper or anything, since he would never get in.

And the next thing I knew, I saw my little boy completely in the nude, sitting in the pool playing. He had no concept of fear or discomfort. Stefan had filled the pool with nice warm water instead of icy cold like paddling pools tend to have, and he had boats and shovels and a water gun and all kinds of things to play with!!! The boys hung out (lol) outside while Caity and I made roll kuchen for lunch. It was my first time rolling it out and actually preparing it, and it really turned out, if I can be so bold!! Two of my cousins came over to enjoy lunch with us on the deck as well. Dekker had donned shorts and a swim diaper by that point, but ate a few roll kuchen before thanking Caity for lunch and asking to go back to the toys. Laela even ate a roll kuchen! I wish I had pictures. It was delicious and sunny and wet and fun. What a great afternoon!

I see much of the same happening tomorrow in the evening, if weather permits. We’re going to visit our very good friends in the morning/early afternoon, and will likely spend the rest of the day on the deck in the yard, giggling at Dekkers freedom and then immediate fear of Laelas mobility. Its really quite a sight.