Intentions From This Year

I realized today that we’re pretty much halfway through October, which is coming up on a goal I had made that I may very likely not meet! Whoops! I had hoped to have ALL of my Christmas presents bought and in hand by November 1st. I’m over here, waiting for deals, and time is quickly slipping by! But hey, we’ve got time. I’m not too devastated. And there’s still time in October. I may still reach this goal!

In thinking about the end of the year drawing near, I figured it would be interesting to look back at my New Year resolutions and see what I did and didn’t do! Hahaha! So I just found the post, and I haven’t read it yet. So let’s do that now, shall we? One by one.

Oh. I called them “intentions” this year. I like that. Go you, January Hailey!

So my first intention was to do our Christmas savings plan again, where we set money aside each week and, by October 1st, have all the money we needed to pay for Christmas. We did not do that, haha! We tried, and we have a few hundred saved in a little wallet, but not even close to the whole amount! We took a reluctant “hiatus from income” for a few months last year, and we had a little bit of catching up to do, so it just wasn’t a year of big savings for us. No bigs. But no, this was not a goal we met. And its fine.

My next intention was to improve my blog. I was a bit more specific about that in the post, and intended to have planned, structured posts every Monday and Friday. I didn’t do that, but I can say I’ve tried a lot of different things on the blog this year and I am trying harder to make it nicer to read, with less errors, and fewer “we didn’t do anything today” posts. I’ve also spent a lot of time on certain posts that I really want to get right, and its showed well in my numbers, which is encouraging. Lastly, I actually made an Instagram account for my blog that I post on every day, and its almost always a different picture than you see on the blog. Some of you have found it on your own, but I haven’t put it out there 🙂 I LOVE it when someone follows! Makes me feel so excited every time!

Lastly, I intended to be a bit more organized and “less frantic with busyness.” This one is a big broad, but I think I’ve made headway here in a way I didn’t expect. In all honesty, busyness is still pretty overwhelming, but I’m less embarrassed about my limits, and that gives me more energy when things do get busy! Also unexpectedly, I’ve learned to be a bit easier on myself. Not always, but sometimes. For example, in the craziness of the mornings, I missed sending Laela her first show and tell. Her first show and tell! I was SO bummed, because Dekker loves show and tell so much, and Laela was so looking forward to it! And I forgot. I was SO discouraged, but only for a second. Because mistakes happen. When Laela came home, I apologized to her and she was SO gracious about it, saying her teacher told her she could bring it on her next school day. And that was fine! We put a big bright sticky note on the island to remind me, and life went on! I’m sure it won’t be the last thing I’ll miss. And thats ok 🙂

So let’s be real. I haven’t aced it all, but I think thats just fine. Its been a whirlwind year, and while there have been a lot of circumstances helping it be whirlwindy, I don’t anticipate it’ll slow down anytime soon. I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Anyone care to share how their goals have gone this year?