It Continues

Two days ago, I wrote about Laela being sick. She threw up in her bed overnight, and took the day off of school. That night, she fevered, so I decided to keep her home the next day as well, so as to protect everyone else from catching whatever she was fighting. By the end of the day, though, she was super energetic, completely back to herself, and begging to go to kids club. We told her that missing school meant missing kids club, but she should be able to go the next day.

Then there was this morning. She was up easily, dressed and ready and at the table, eager to eat breakfast and get moving. I realized within five minutes or so that she was doddling pretty hard. I asked her to pick up the pace, and she took another bite, but her zeal was gone. A few minutes later, she told me she had a tummy ache and asked to stay home. I asked a few questions, about tried to decipher what kind of tummy ache she had. Was she actually sick? Was she just nervous to go back to school for some reason? Maybe she simply hadn’t eaten enough yesterday, and thats why she hurt! I asked her if she felt sick, and she said no. Just had a tummy ache. She said she didn’t want “the students” to get her sickness. I suggested that she should maybe go with her tummy ache and it might even itself out. Her chin quivered and she said again “I don’t want the students to get sick!” In that moment, I believed she was nervous to go to school, for fear of throwing up again, but at school this time. I wouldn’t want to barf at school either. I agreed that she could stay home for the morning, and we’d see how she was then. I want to be conscious of her needs, even if she’s anxious more than actually “sick.”

Aaaaand then she barfed. The lightweights can skip this paragraph 😉 I know you’re out there.

Laela was sitting on the couch, reading a book, while I chatted with Cher and my mom. It was a total pleasure to have them both over at the same time, and it was also really handy, turns out. We were all in the living room when Laela asked me for a bucket because she thought she might throw up. I was caught off guard, and hesitated for a second before I got up and headed for her room in search of a bucket that I thought had been beside her bed overnight. I had made it two steps in that general direction when she covered her mouth, and spewed barf evvvvverywhere!!! I picked up into a run towards her room, and intercepted Waverly, who was heading towards the action. I deposited her in Laela’s room, but found no bucket. I foolishly ran upstairs for one while my mom just grabbed a dish in the kitchen and caught the second burst of vomit. And the third and fourth and how many more after that. I made it back down to her, where my mom was holding a pan in front of Laela and Cher had scooped Wavy up to keep her from splashing around in the vomit. Thus began a quick moving half hour of wiping down my child, couch, and floor. My mom lovingly scrubbed my living room rug and put Laela’s blanket, clothing, and some dirty towels into the laundry. Cher brought paper towel and cleaning stuff, and kept Waverly out of the mess. And in the centre of it all was Laela, feeling worlds apart better, being super strong and brave through it all. She was pretty tired, but knew when she was done and was totally patient while we cleaned up around her. She kept her spirits high and didn’t complain at all. She’s handled her boring day and boring food like a champ. I’m SO impressed with how brave she is when she’s sick.

So in case it wasn’t clear, we’ve rocked another full day of quiet play, reading a lot, drinking lots of water, and lots of naps.

I’m going to keep her home tomorrow, too. Its just too much sickness, and I don’t want to spread the “fun” around. While this is not the season I want my family to be sick in, rather now than even closer to Christmas! Let’s just hope and pray that Laela keeps it to herself! ❤️🤞