It Happened. Finally.

Well. It has been almost eleven years of blogging, and I officially – for the first time ever – forgot to post yesterday. My goodness.

I know its pretty insignificant in the big picture, but its offering me quite a mix of emotions.

On one hand, really truly, who cares? One day where I didn’t note how the day had gone or post pictures of the kids. This shakes absolutely no one up, except for me.

On another hand, how is it that I have rocked ALL the things we’ve gone through in the last year without missing a single day, only to have me totally miss the memo yesterday? Out of nowhere.

I’m going to resist the urge to feel like I have hugely failed, and rather see this as a first. The end of June will mark eleven years of daily blogging, and I can’t help but feel that alone is a bigger success than missing yesterday is a failure. Aaaaand I’m not defined by little baby mistakes such as this.

Today holds some preparation for the big week ahead. Frozen is coming. Lake season is shortly thereafter. We have a home repair coming up, and an appointment or two. The last few months have been some of the busiest of our lives, but they’ve been crazy productive also, and I’m very grateful. If something had to get skipped over, I suppose the blog was the right thing. Yesterday was important all on its own, with a mix of productivity, struggle, outings, and relaxation. You’ll have to take my word for it 💜

Nothing is broken here. I’m back in the game today.

Mama jeanne

You are beautiful Hailey. I love you. I really like you. Make sure you keep on being you. It’s really good!


I both love and REALLY like you, too!! 💜 Thank you for your warm support and love!