It Was Worth It

It was good that we stayed home yesterday. Not because the kids were SO bad or anything like that, but we had a really nice day at home. The kids played outside for most of the morning, and then a few of them even went for a walk during quiet time. ‘Twas a success! Kids got clean. Boys got buzzed. Many of the things I wanted to accomplish got accomplished. Not everything, of course, because that would’ve been too perfect. But, lots.

Today, at the very least, I need to make play-doh. I’m on the calendar for preschool play-doh this month, and I’ve never made it before! So, I’ve got a recipe and I’m gonna do that this morning with Wavy. Wish me luck!

I’m grateful that next week is looking like a warm one. Talks of camp are in the air. So much excitement for the upcoming season for our family! Though apparently some still appreciate winter a little…

Snuggling with a Christmas tree like a boss 😎

Happy Monday, friends. I hope your day isn’t chaotic, but that it doesn’t move painfully slowly either. I’m basically wishing you perfection. You’re welcome.