It’ll be tidy one day, right?

As I looked around my home today, I became super annoyed with the mess. No, I don’t mean the general disarray that comes with having kids, and being a mom that is more concerned about playing toys and less concerned about mess. However, the mess that is my fault (or the fault of the adults in the house 😉 ) is driving me up the wall. I’m here to ask you guys if you have any kind of decluttering plan you follow? I’ve found a few online that I actually really like, but I like things that have some reviews attached to them from people that I know. Anyone??

I have recently been annoyed with how messy our master bedroom is. Anytime we just need something to be put out of the way, it goes into our bedroom. We also still have Laela’s cradle in there, even though we haven’t had her in it in a couple of months now. And we have the second change table, which we also never use! Well, we don’t change the kids on it, but it holds diaper and wipes for when one kid is napping in their room and the other needs a change. I’m pretty sure we could put that stuff somewhere else and ditch the change table. So I’m annoyed with all the clutter, right? But I can’t carry those things downstairs on my own, so I was thinking I’d just tidy up everything else and ask Brady to carry the furniture downstairs when he gets home.

What did I accomplish? Throwing away all the tags and garbage that accumulated in our walk in closet, and made the bed. And then I felt discouraged and gave up! How lame is that?! I didn’t give up on productivity completely. I saved another couple of months of blog posts. I finished up August 2013. Still sooo much to go, but considering I started blogging in June 2012, its better than nothing! Did you guys know that?! I’ve almost been blogging for TWO YEARS!!! Kind of a crazy thought to me, as its pretty much just routine for me now. I’m glad it is though. It helps somehow.

So. To go back. How do you guys keep your home clutter-free without panicking and tearing out your hair? I want to enjoy my kids and my life, but I also want to enjoy the house that I live in. Ideas??


If anybody gives you any brilliant ideas, feel free to pass them my way! I feel like I had a pretty good handle on my old house, but since we have moved, I can hardly keep my head above water. I guess the fact that it’s twice as much house to clean, there’s still renos we are doing and I’ve been working tons doesn’t help.. But still. I’m trying to come up with a cleaning schedule and I’m trying to go through the house, room by room, and make sure everything has a place. My hope is that if everything has a place of its own, it’ll hopefully make it’s way back to where it belongs. Also, I’m trying to just put things away as they come up, rather than walking away from messes. For example, rather than just leaving a plate on the sink I will put it straight to the dishwasher. Or, if I am working with something and end up with something for the recycling, I will put it directly into the recycling bin rather than letting it lay around on a counter for a while :p Again, if you find something that works, please share!


Its so true hey? Just dealing with something in the moment helps sooo much! And I LOVE what you said – “if everything has a place of its own, it’ll hopefully make its way back to where it belongs.” Thats actually incredibly insightful! If something just doesn’t fit, I should get rid of it.
And also Nikki, you guys really just moved recently 🙂 Your house is supposed to be in disarray for a while still, lol!