Its been a while…

Today was a full day of errands! I haven’t attempted a full errand day is quite some time, with all the discomfort I’ve been having. But today called for things to be done, so they were done to the best of my ability.

I let Dekker sleep until I heard him start making sound, so I think I got him around 11:30 this morning. I got him all dressed and fed, and we left. We hit Tims right off the hop for an iced capp, since it was warm at that point. Then I headed to pick up a Lifeproof case that I purchased off someone from Kijiji. I’m actually super excited about it. He used it for a while before he upgraded to a iPhone5, so it looks perfect. Instead of spending $90 plus tax, I spent $50. We went from there to OTV where I purchased a few cords to charge my phone in my car, and where I can hook it up to listen to music if I don’t have Bluetooth turned on. If you don’t already go there for all your techy needs, start. Sooo affordable! I got three cords and paid less than $15. Shout out for Reid as my salesman of choice!

We still needed to make an appearance at the Medical Arts Building to get Dekkers special bum cream, but they were adamant that it would not be concocted until 3pm, even though they received the prescription fax yesterday. Weird, but the tube says it takes a full day to create the compound cream so I guess it makes sense. However, I didn’t have a whole lot more to do on that side of the city, so I decided to bite the bullet and just do a bit more backtracking than I usually do. Therefore, I headed across the river and did some shopping for treats, some Dollarama for Dekker, and some groceries. I’m really eager to recreate this delicious shrimp dish our friends made for us the other night, so I hit up Superstore for shrimp, the specific Kraft dressing, green onions, and plum tomatoes. Do you think I could find anything?! The shrimp was supposed to be medium shrimp but I could only find large, jumbo, or gigantico (which I assume is even bigger?) so I grabbed large. Wouldn’t you? I found the dressing. WIN! They were completely sold out of green onions, which seemed a little strange, and there were no plum tomatoes. So I kicked myself in the face, bought the two items that did exist, and made the most of it. Dekker loved the ramp down to the parkade, so we absolutely raced to the bottom, him squealing loudly the entire time 🙂 Yes, people stared, but we were having a blast and I figured putting my son in that situation made me a good mom. Sue me.

Strangely enough, after Superstore, we drove back across the river, got Dekker’s special bum cream, and then sat in the backseat together having our afternoon snacks. After our Cheerios and cashews were decently dented, we again crossed the river and went in search of Brady and the house he was working on. I got to tour around and check out the new floorplan, which I always like.

While heading to the restaurant for dinner, Dekker was pretty much melting down. That boy was sooo tired! But he finally fell asleep, and we sat in the car for an extra little while before waking him and taking him into the restaurant. Poor dude. But chicken fingers and fries really perked him up! Broadway Cafe makes great french fries. Weirdly enough, I was sooo hungry for their weirdo mushroom and gravy hamburger. *shrugs* I never order a burger! But it was super delicious and I’m still full.

We are now home. Our car survived the terrible roads in our town, luckily. I’m surprised we haven’t lost a tire or anything. Yet. Also, more news of yet another robbery in one of the homes, and this one in broad daylight. I’m less and less excited to be living here these days. I know petty crime happens everywhere, but there has been more in the last month than there has been in the last almost four years we have lived here. Not impressed.

On a positive note…



IMG_0745On that note, have a good sleep.


Love the pics of Dekker, of course!! So cute!!
What is OTV? I need some phone chargers and where I ve looked they re $30.
Glad you re feeling a wee bit better! I pray God will bless you with more and more great days!!
Love you!:)


OTV is a really good techy store but I think they may only be in Saskatchewan. Sorry 🙁 if you still need stuff when were gonna see each other, we can bring what you need!

mama jeanne

Such a cute little boy…….mmmmmmmmmmm delicious 🙂 Hailey, my dear…no kicking in the face….did your mother not teach you that 🙂 Plus… do you do that …he he he. I love you my dear.