It’s Not Saturday

In case any of you weren’t sure, it is indeed not Saturday. It sure feels like one around here, though.

For starters, the kids have the day off. Which I just learned yesterday. Yikes! I’m sure I should’ve known before, but the days off around Remembrance Day definitely overshadowed this one. Whoops! So with everyone home this morning, hanging out in jammies, with Encanto playing over the Echo, it very much feels like a weekend. A Saturday.

More specifically, it feels like a Saturday with Brady working.

But guess what. We get one of those tomorrow 😩 So two in a row, lol! Not actually, but kinda.

I am anticipating Saturday, though. I’ve been working on something fun recently, and there is more fun to be had tomorrow! I’ve been following a crochet-along on a Facebook page that I’m part of. In this case, it means that every few days, a section of a blanket is released by a different designer, and whoever wants to be part of it will work it up, and the blanket will grow gradually. I admit I jumped on the bandwagon late, but I caught up, and as of yesterday, I am completely caught up, eagerly waiting for the next section. Which comes out tomorrow!!! Eek!

I also finished another crocheted Christmas gift yesterday. The two projects I was actively working on are completed, at least as far as I can get them! I’m never caught up, lol!

A good reason to look forward to Saturday 💜