Its Only Been a Week??

I have solidly enjoyed this last week. It has been filled with good things, some of which were planned in advance and some shorter notice. Wavy had a really good appointment with our doctors. We’ve been counting down to the lake with the kids. We’ve gone to the city lots in order to gather up all we need for our trip. Things like that. But we’ve been humbled by the amount of people who have come over to our house to celebrate Waverly. I don’t even think I’ve mentioned each visit on here because they just kept happening! Its really touched my heart to know how many people have invested their concern and love into our family, and this morning was no different, as another friend of mine made her way out here from the city to snuggle Wavy, bring her a gift, bring the other kids some treats, and visit for a while.

It was during this mornings visit that I realized Wavy’s party was JUST LAST WEEKEND!!! I don’t know about you guys but it feels like it was eons ago to me already!! I think its probably because the lead up was SO exciting and pretty all-consuming, if we’re being honest. It was fabulous, but a LOT to think about! I went straight from party planning to lake planning, so I think the shift of gears is what makes the party feel SO long ago!

Cher took these beauties (and many others) for us last week! Isn’t she lovely?? Also Wavy… 😘 See what I did there? Its Cher’s birthday, by the way! Send her a bit of love!!

Regardless of how crazy it feels having Waverly’s party a week ago, we are officially in lake mode over here! Our house is a total mess, but I’m choosing to think of it as organized chaos. There are tubs and piles of things aaaaall over the place – in the kids closets, on dressers, on the island, the countertops, the beds, etc. A mess. BUT!! My packing list is exceptional, if I do say so myself, and things are getting done! All the clothes are picked and pulled out. Toiletries and first air stuff is coming along, and Brady has most of the bigger stuff (playpens, stroller, high chair, etc) out by the van, waiting to be fit in between the tubs we’re filling. Half of the backseat of the van is even removed. Its happening!!!

Four out of five kids are currently asleep, and Dekker is loving his quiet time playing Lego, as always. I almost don’t want to get up and keep moving, just for fear of waking everyone, but the show must go on!!

Gah!! Cannot finish blog!! Things I forgot to put on the list keep coming to mind!!!! Guys, don’t let me forget water bottles, or travel mugs, or duplo, or my bras from out of the dryer, or coloring stuff, or phone chargers, or playpen mattress sheets, or………….