Its Starting!

I passed 27 weeks of pregnancy on Sunday, which my What to Expect app tells me means I’m officially in the third trimester!! I never quite know when one is officially into the next trimester, since 40 weeks doesn’t exactly divide into three parts evenly. However, anyone who has been pregnant knows that a pregnancy isn’t counted from the actual date of conception, and the whole 40 week thing is kind of made up. Aaaaanyway, this is unimportant. If my app hadn’t told me this Sunday, I would have said it by next Sunday for sure anyway. Yay third trimester!

On that note, certain things are changing, and I figured I’d note them here, if anyone was interested.

Weight. No, I’m not complaining about gaining weight, or saying one should or shouldn’t more or less. BUT I can tell my body is putting more on. With Dekker, I gained a belly and nothing else. With Laela, I gained a belly and boobs, and that was also pretty much it, but after her, I kept on about ten pounds. I’m actually pretty ok with those ten pounds. I felt I was at a healthier weight at that point. But therefore, I started a bit higher in weight this time around, and I can tell my body is bigger now that it was at this point with the other kids. I’m rocking more love handles this time around, but definitely trying to embrace it all! I definitely look pregnant now, which I’m very happy about 🙂

Pregnancy brain. I am graced with pregnancy brain pretty much out of the gate. I have a vivid memory of being pregnant with Dekker in the very early stages, where I went downstairs to get something, and forgot what it was. We’ve all done it, right? So I came back up, remembered it, went back down, got it, and barely made it back up the stairs before I was too tired to move. A lot goes on in a persons body when they’re building a person! Anyway, I’ve had this the whole way along, but this morning, I lost our cups. Like, the glasses. In our kitchen cupboard. The same cupboard they’ve been in for five years or so. I couldn’t locate them. I opened every door on that side of the kitchen before that one. Not my best moment.

Baby Pelvis. Doctors have this beautiful term for a pelvis in a second (or whatever consecutive) pregnancy. A tried pelvis. Sounds flattering, right? Its not. My body is “tried.” But tried, tested, and true, I do declare! Its worked out, which is a HUGE blessing! My first time around, I had a bit of pelvic pain right at the end, and just toughed it out. With Laela, she basically tried to kill me, and all the good stuff holding my pelvis together loosened really, really early. I rocked a fancy pants belt around my hips to try and keep my body together in one piece from about 23 weeks on, if I remember right. This time around, my body feels considerably more normal. As in not quite so painful. I can feel my body slip out of place once in a while on really big, busy days, but not in my regular day to day stuff. Christmas shopping day was HUGE and by the end of it, I was feeling good and sore, but not even close to the pain I felt in my second pregnancy! I could still enjoy the rest of the day. Like it was more of a rewarding pain, haha! Does that make sense? On the note of body changes though, my tummy is pulling on my back quite a bit already, since my abs can only do so much anymore. So Dr. Mike is still a necessity in this family!!

All things in, I feel pretty good! Part of me actually feels like this pregnancy is going fairly slowly. I still have three whole months to go! Yet, Christmas is upon us! And after New Years, its only two more months!!! I suspect those may whip by, haha! I’ll take them. Whatever I’ve got to do to get baby Jim in my arms!

Ok, not too soon though. We’ll leave him to cook in there a little longer 😉


My gosh, because we’ve taken all of three this entire pregnancy! I promise, I WILL post one in the next day or two now that there is something to see 🙂 Thanks for reminding me! I was so diligent last time around!