January Limbo

I’m having this super odd issue right now, where I have some super fun blogs planned for February, but the end of January is lagging sooooo much!

It doesn’t help that January feels like it has about a hundred days in it. Possibly the longest month of the year. That and the final month of pregnancy, right? My gosh. With the cold snap recently, too, I think I can safely say we all feel a bit closed in and over this season.

After our third van breakdown, and second in four days only, Brady finally figured out the root of our vehicle’s issue! He fixed it yesterday and I was able to drive it in to the city today, right downtown, without it stalling it and giving up on me. I warned him in advance, that if it crapped out and left me stranded, I was going to take to the comfort of the mall, and shop some of my angst away. To his relief, the van fired right back up when I needed it to, and brought me home safe and sound. It even hit a nearby Tim Hortons and brought coffee home! Good bus. Good good bus.

Since being out this morning, however, my feet have been chilly, and they refuse to quit. I’m wearing socks and everything! I think I’m going to go for a walk on the treadmill to heat up my insides a little.

Wish me luck! And stay inside if you know whats good for you!!