Just for Fun Gifts

Our kids were gifted some fun stuff the other day, thanks to a loving friend who had them in mind! Wavy got her gift yesterdays, and I don’t have pictures to prove it. I’m sorry, but I’m sure you can all forgive me. She got a cute little barbie that she was super excited about! Her first response was to squeal “She has SHOES!!” The dolls name has now been changed to Mr. Pinklin. Don’t ask. I don’t know. But she is VERY happy!

Today, the other kids got their gifts, and while I know I don’t have photos of wavy and her toy, I have no regrets about photographing the other kids getting theirs!

The middle boys each got a finger skateboard with shoes on it! They’re way easier to manage for the little guys because they stay attached to their fingers! The boys ripped them around the house like crazy! They had a total blast!

Then the big kids 😆 They got beards!

Now. I know Laela is a girl. But she was SO STOKED to have a beard! She HOWLED with laughter! Absolutely loved it! Both she and Dekker are determined to work their beards into their Halloween costumes!

If you need any more convincing that Laela thought it was awesome, this is a snap from after school 😆 where she was setting up to crochet. 🤣

Anyway. I giggled. What FUN they all had!! 🥰 thank you for doting on our children, and letting them know that people think of them and love them outside of these walls 💜 That is so precious to me 🥰