Ladies Salad Fiesta

I don’t always attend “ladies only” events but I went to something called the salad fiesta a few years back with my mom. I haven’t been able to go in the last few years, and I was so happy when a friend invited me to go with her this year. She also hadn’t been in several years so we thought it would be fun.

There were probably around 150 ladies all seated around tables, listening to a couple of speakers talk about gardening, life, and joy. We ate lots and lots of different salads. The BEST one was the taco salad though, hands down! We definitely had seconds. I ate tons, yet strangely, a few hours later, I’m sooo hungry! I guess thats what happens when when a pregnant woman eats only salad for supper. But you’d think salad with ground beef should count for something! It was delicious anyway. Same time next year!

A little side note from today is that the baby moved a good amount 🙂 Brady worked most of a full day and was completely bushed when he got home. He washed up and came to lay in bed with me and just rest before he had to get up and take care of Dekker while I was out all evening. We watched Friends and he felt the baby move more than he ever has so far this pregnancy. I’m so happy this time has come and he can share in the baby’s movements with me. Two weeks until our ultrasound, and then we’ll really get to see baby move around. All of our routine ultrasounds with Dekker were terrible. At our 20 week, the tech wouldn’t show us anything. We never got to see fingers and toes, nothing, and this time around, we’ve already seen fingers!!! We’ve definitely found a much better clinic with much nicer techs, so I’m really excited to see baby at this stage like never before! But thats beside the point. Baby moved a lot today.

Now, I am tired. I had a really rough night actually, not able to sleep thanks to some insane body aches, but tonight, I will take my sleep aid and maybe even a couple Tylenol just in case, and tomorrow, we will be heathens and skip church. And rest.

mama jeanne

It’s so wonderful to feel abby move isn’t it 🙂 I’m so thrilled for you guys. Happy Sunday.