Laela and Rowan

My two middle kids have a great dynamic. I love their relationship. I don’t know if they just click really well, or because they’re alone together more when Dekker’s at school, or what exactly, but they play SO well with one another. Maybe it’ll just be for a stage of life, or maybe forever. I don’t know. I keep waiting for their ages to interfere. Laela is three, and apparently three is a terribly age (Its not) and Rowan is 20 months ish, which is often when kids start to hit the “terrible twos.” So wouldn’t they either hate each other, or at least wreak havoc on everything when they’re together? Well, they don’t, so I’m just enjoying how well they play together. Its so sweet.

The two of them will often disappear in the day, into one of their rooms, with the door closed. When I go investigate the situation, they’ve usually spread the blankets out on the floor. A small pile of smaller toys (links, Hot Wheels, etc.) is in the centre of the room, and they’re just sitting beside it. “We havin’ a fire!” Laela explains. Always. Always having a fire. Its awesome, and no one is getting into mischief or anything, so I really can’t complain.

This morning, I’m sitting in our living room, sipping a latte while the baby sleeps and Ro and Laela play downstairs. They’re well within earshot, I promise. And I’m hearing some lovely, lovely things. Amidst Rowan crying, anyway, haha!

Rowan: Waaaaah!
Laela: Whats wrong, Rowan? You hurt your feet? I can kiss them.

Rowan: Waaaaah!
Laela: Whats wrong, Rowan? Oh, I’ll help you!

Laela: *heads upstairs*
Rowan: Waaaaah!
Laela: Whats wrong, Rowan? You want to stay downstairs?
Rowan: Yaaaaa…
Laela: Oh, haha! Ok, Rowan! Not Worry. *stays down*

Laela: Rowan Rowan Rowan! Watch this!! *does something amazing*
Rowan: WOWWWW! *claps*

Laela: *comes upstairs, pauses* I miss Rowan. *goes back downstairs*

These tiny interactions just warm my heart, and I am thrilled to say that they happen so often. They have their moments where they butt heads or disagree, but I love my siblings and we still disagree on stuff sometimes. Its just life.

I know we all feel that our kids are the best, and we should all believe the best in our kids.

But mine are the best. 😏