Laela Turns Seven

I know I’m supposed to be surprised that Laela is seven “already,” but she is just SO grown up. That being said, she has changed SO MUCH in the last year!!

This little sweetie is my children’s second mama. She is warm, and helpful, and responsible, and bossy 😂 We’re working on that one. But she always means well, and works HARD to help her siblings out with everything!

She is a VERY smart little miss, excelling at reading and writing. She can easily read absolutely anything Dekker can, but her age still shows her shorter attention span, and she really only wants to sit through a book that at least has some pictures. As of today, she is reading level R.

Laela learned how to do laundry in the last few months. Which is CRAZY, but crazy AWESOME! When she discovered she could reach the bottom of the washer, that was just it. Now, we hear the laundry machines singing at random times, and she’s just taken it upon herself to sort and start laundry. Its bananas, and I’m SO grateful for it! She is SO willing to help!

Laela feels sad when she feels left out, or if Dekker runs faster than her. Thats kind of it! Not a whole lot else makes her angry. Injustice. Thats another thing. But shouldn’t it? I think that checks out. She always recovers with a hug and a kiss. She is VERY brave when she’s upset, and works to turn it around.

My very grown up little daughter is a wonder for me to watch. I am constantly impressed and amazed by her. She is tough while being just so so soft. Every morning, I go lay on her in her bed, and whether she’s wide awake or still mostly asleep, she lifts her arms up for me, and stroked my hair and neck for a few minutes. And once she’s done that, she’ll start to scrunch up, and, already laughing, she’ll quietly request “Tickle??” So I tickle her pits until she is fully belly laughing and squealing. It is a beautiful start to every day with her.

Goodness, Laela, we love you so dearly 💗 You came into the world like a force to be reckoned with, and you continue to hold to that strong spirit! I couldn’t picture our family without you. What a great disservice that would be for us. You are SUCH an important part of what makes us us. I am so thankful to God that you were born to us.

I love you, my Laela. Happy birthday!


Yeay, Happy Birthday, Laela!
You are 7 today, wow! Can’t believe it! 💖🤗 Grampa and I love you so much, and send loads of hugs and kisses!
Love, love, love you!
Grama! ♥️😍💗💕