Lake Friday

After last weekends one BAD lake day, I figured I’d kick off this lake weekend with a counselling appointment!! 🥳 Lol! I’m kidding. Not about the counselling appointment, that definitely happened, but it wasn’t because of last weekend. It was just a routine one. But it was a gooder. I really like my counsellor. I’ll be sad when she’s through her residency shortly, but I am very grateful to have seen her all this time.

When I left my appointment, I actually ducked my head into the gift shop for a second, which I never do. But a travel mug was calling my name 😍 Did you guys know I have a thing for mugs?

I can’t decide if its leopard print or flowers, but I think thats the point. I LOVE it. However, I do NOT love it $70 worth!!! 🤮 Sooooo forward we go!

I drove back towards home, but stopped off in Warman to switch vehicles with Brady. It was also popcorn day, so, I did that, too. I parked the minivan in his reserved spot and went to bring the bus home so I could pack it for camp. But lo and behold, someone took a shed in our van!!! 💩 Lol! Poop joke.

But also, there’s a shed in our van.

Sooooo yup. Last weekend, we brought a kayak. This weekend, we’re bringing a shed. And a wheelchair and batec, in case we can’t get the golf cart working. Whew!!

Its home now, and I have to see if I can actually pack the van around this monstrosity, with the wheelchair and batec in mind still. I may just have to wait for Brady on this one 😅 Otherwise, everything is ready. Packed up. Cooler items on a list. Everything is organized to a tee. We’re ready for the long weekend!!!

*checks “blogging” off the list*