Lesson Learned

Did everyone else get a crazy storm last night? I never think to check the weather forecast for overnight, because who cares right? I had NO idea that storm was coming to us! Brady and I woke up in the middle of the night to crashing thunder and lightening, and rain coming in some windows. We ran around like crazy to close everything up, and didn’t hear a peep from Dekker, which is pretty huge! I mean, a lawnmower can wake him up in the day, but apparently he can sleep through the house shaking.

I don’t remember what time exactly, but I’m going to guess that at about 4:00am, Dekker let out a wail. And then he was quiet. Sometime he wakes up, cries for a few seconds and falls back asleep. So I went back to sleep as well. From there until about 8:00am, he did this a few times. He would cry for a few minutes, but then it would fade out. These occasions got further and further apart, which usually means he’s awake but very very tired, and he’s falling asleep. I finally went to get him at 8:00, when they were getting closer together. I know it seems strange, but this is VERY early for Dekker! I found him lodged in the bars of his crib again. Both of his legs were stuck in the same space, all the way up to the top of his thighs. If you can’t picture it, its almost like he was in a sitting position, but on his side. His red, wet face looked up at me with hope and question. I tried to turn his body and get his legs out without hurting him. I got one leg out without any sound from him, but that second leg was sooo jammed in there, I had to finally just squeeze it and yank it around to get him out. He cried and cried. Sometimes I’m afraid that he will think of me as something he associated with pain, but I’m hoping it translates more into me being the one that helps him that he can count on.

I’ve written before about my sons beautiful personality, and how he never holds a grudge or carries anger. I was reminded of that this morning. I held him and talked with him until he stopped crying, but laying him on his change table seemed to scare him. I guess he wasn’t ready to be put down, so again, I felt awful. I opened up his sleeper to check his legs, and was greeted with huge red dents in the top of both of his thighs. I kissed and kissed him, the dents in his leg, his tummy, and his face. I apologized to him over and over. I said “I’m so sorry baby, I hate that I left you so long! I didn’t know! Are you going to be ok, do you think?” His face is still red and tear streaked. But he looks me square in the eye, and claps and claps, smiling away. I’m pretty sure thats “Baby” for “I forgive you, mom.”

Lesson learned. Loud and clear.