Let’s Pretend its Not Today

It has been a TOUGH morning. One of those mornings where, truly, I have nothing really nice to say. So I’m going to show you some pictures from yesterday, and hope tomorrow is better!

First picture was kind of a frustrating moment, honestly.

I sat parked here on my street for a good few minutes, needing to get Solomon to preschool, unable to get past these vehicles. The truck and trailer was parked that way, unattended, jutting out far into the road. And the Jays driver was dropping off a heavy package, so it was taking a long time. Which I understand, but I couldn’t get by. So I parked in the road and resisted the urge to just lay on my horn. Finally, the Jays driver finished his delivery and came back to his truck. He backed up ever so slowly, juuust enough that I could sneak by. Solly was a couple of minutes late to preschool, but it was fine. On the way back, the Jays driver was gone, but the trailer now had its ramps out. It was just maddening. Not the best day to drive our bus, I guess!

Picture two was from the end of nap time.

Waverly was still asleep, all propped up on her pillow, sleeping SO peacefully. She has this beautiful way of being completely bright and happy the moment she wakes up, too! Whatever she’s on, pour me some! (Also, that new sleeper doesn’t hurt! Wavy recently sized up and we had virtually no jammies in Laela’s old stuff, so I had the pleasure of buying her some cute new sleepers, without any financial guilt! Lol! What a season…)

Aaaaand this was something I saw on Facebook that I thought was funny.

Because its completely true. Giggle with me?

The day yesterday ended with yummy food and card games. It was not a perfect day, but it had some really nice parts, and I’m grateful for every day!

Even today. When I feel like curling up into a ball and not moving for the rest of the day. No rest for the weary.

Its time for Christmas break…