Lists and Lists…

Today is not the day for blogging. For really no reason at all, I’m feeling incredibly overwhelmed today. I haven’t done anything crazy at all, and as I type this, I’m laying in bed. I’ve never been one to “nap while the kids nap,” as everyone claims is the golden rule. I’ve already replied to that with “If I nap during the day, I don’t sleep at night.” This is very true, but as I’ve changed the dreaded word “NAP” in our house to “rest,” I’ve discovered that is exactly what I need to do. So when the kids rest, I rest. And its amazing. I joked to my doctor that I was laying down when I know I should be getting stuff done and she shut me down hard on that. She agreed that if I can get both to sleep at once, I need to take advantage of that downtime and put my feet up.

So I am. And as I am, I’m listing pages upon pages of things I have to do. Things I could very well be doing right now, but that I’m most definitely not doing now. So much to do over the next few weeks. Besides just getting my house in order, I never completed the massive purge we started a few months ago. We need to harvest our garden and till it in preparation for the cold. We wanted to paint before it was too cold to open the windows!! I think that idea is a lost cause :/ I haven’t even booked my 20 week ultrasound and I’m just about 16 weeks!! Could I leave anything else more to the last minute?? I want to cancel our home phone, pull out money for our weekly savings this week, buy Laela new jeans that aren’t flood pants, activate my new credit card, put away the last bundle of clothes that the kids outgrew, apply for the kids SIN cards, and I dunno, about a hundred other things. Sigh. Writing this post is not helping.

So. I have a beautiful new planner that I’m going to do my best to try and start scheduling some stuff into. I mean, I know if I weren’t so scattered, I could accomplish most of that last paragraph in one day. But I know I won’t. So I need to space it out, and do something small more often, rather than a bunch of stuff at once. Shoot. Should have bought a pretty pen for my planner.

Thats all I’ll whine about today. In other, more positive news, my back probably feels better than it has in a while! And do you know what I think has helped? Having to be out and about the last two days, running to appointments and whatnot. Turns out being active might be the answer, even though my body is begging me to relax. Who wins this one? Bum or baby?