Love and Entertainment

Once again, we were loved on by our neighbours. Not only was our grocery list fulfilled, but a gift for each of our children was dropped off as well. And flowers 💐 Because SPRING!

Games, kits, and books have been in active use this morning. Dekker is dusty from mining crystals, and Laela is reading everything to everyone. Solly isn’t having a particularly smooth go of it so he’s not in todays photos. Don’t worry, we love him too 😘

The only thing that would make this morning better would be nicer weather. I’ve been feeling a bit gross the last couple of days, and I think my body is just a bit eager to get out of the house again. I don’t have a heavy sense of cabin fever, because my usual is being home in the day, but I don’t have to tell you guys that these days are just different. Uncertainty is hard, even when you’re coping well, which I truly think I am. But no one is firing on all cylinders, thats for sure. 

I’m so thankful for our friends and loved ones who keep us in mind and help with both needs and non essentials, to lighten our load. I’m struggling knowing how to help my friends myself, but its not lost on me how loved it leaves me feeling. I want that for others, too.