Made It!

We actually found our way to church this morning! I can’t remember the last time we went, honestly, which is sad. It was really really good to get back, honestly. I wasn’t sure how the kids would do after being gone for so very long, and it was actually a really big crowd, but they did great!! We managed to get Dekker down to childrens church, which used to be a HUGE source of anxiety for him. School has helped so much with his social skills, so even though he wasn’t fond of the idea, it didn’t take too terribly much coaxing for him to stay. Upstairs, in the service, Solly was really quiet and chill. He even drank a bit, which was a life saver when he started to get the teeniest bit chatty. Rowan and Laela did really well too, drawing and “reading” the hymnals, with only one noisy outburst from Rowan that was diffused quickly.

With the morning being full of church, however, the kids were in rough shape through lunch at my parents place, and into the afternoon. We put Solly down pretty much right when we got to my parents place, and Ro went down right after lunch. Dekker and Laela decided they needed to fight enough for all four of them, which got old really really quickly. Brady threw on a show for them, to give their brains a break, and my mom and I headed into the city to get her an upgraded phone, since she was due for one and there was a really good promotion on only today and tomorrow.

Getting her phone took much longer than we anticipated, but it was still nice to be out of the house for a little while. We had a nice chat while everything went down and got organized, and the drive to and from was really nice and relaxed as well. We had a light supper when we got back, and fairly soon after that, we headed home.

Now, the super overtired kids are in bed, save for Solly who is having some milk and will be in bed in the next few minutes or so. And then a soak for this old lady!!

Here’s hoping for a smoother week than last week, and the week before that! Oy!

(PS: Thanks to those of you who messaged me that you had off-weeks as well. Made me feel good to know it wasn’t just me, and now you all know that it wasn’t just you)