Making It, Mom Style

I was so tired by the end of the day yesterday. Like draaagging tired. I made my way up to our bedroom at the end of the day, and looked at myself in the big bathroom mirror.

My beautiful freshly colored hair has been in a ponytail, unwashed, for longer than I care to admit.

I had on a necklace that was made of stretchy craft cord and a button.

I had mustard on my shirt. On the muffin top area of my shirt, on the back. I did not have mustard today.

My sweats were so stretched and pilled from me wearing them every single day for weeks.

The skin on my face was patchy and crusty from neglect.

Yet somehow, looking at the mess I was, I felt like this was motherhood! I’ve made it! Sometimes I don’t get to fit into the box that people talk about, where “real” motherhood is a total mess of chaos. Our life is pretty simple, our house is decently tidy, our kids get along decently well, and it often looks like we have it all together. But there are the messy days where everyone is completely wiped out and asleep by 7:30. And that day looks a lot like messy buns and dirty clothes. And thats great, too!

After bedtime, Brady and I kept pushing and got some big goals accomplished! It was SO rewarding.

I was dozing off around 10:00pm. No regrets. It was a big day, but I feel good about it. Even if the mustard doesn’t come out of my shirt.