Maybe Things ARE Moving Fast

Time has been standing still since we found out we were expecting Bambina. Its not been a secret, and I think most everyone can understand why. I don’t anticipate that all anxiety will be gone the moment she’s born and in my arms, but I think a good chunk will subside, at least. I cannot wait until its that time, and because I’m SO excited for it, it feels like it will never come.

I had an appointment yesterday, and as it was ending, I mentioned that I didn’t think I had my next one scheduled. My student doctor seemed surprised, and said they were all booked, and said Dr. Guselle must’ve booked them herself. I remember her saying she was going to the last time I was around, so it was unsurprising to me. I asked him to please print the list off for me so I could record them in all the right places. I left that appointment with my list of dates and times, another blood requisition, and my prenatal record, because I’m pregnant enough to carry that sucker around 😁 Yay!

This morning, Brady and I were cleaning the island off and tidying up some of the papers that accumulated through the week, and I found my list of appointments. I took a few minutes, then, to put them into my planner, and THAT, my friends, is where it got REAL!

All through the majority of a persons pregnancy (assuming its “standard” and uncomplicated by Sask Health standards) they see their doctor on a monthly basis. It picks up towards the end, but most of the time, you just see your health care provider every fourish weeks or so.

My pregnancy has been decently “standard,” but because of my history of losses last year, I’ve obviously had more appointments than average. For a long time, I’d see my doctor one week, and have a scan the next. Back and forth, back and forth, for weeks and weeks. It saved my butt and my sanity. Once I started to feel movement, the schedule changed, for obvious reasons that I understand. But I admit, it was a tricky transition. Going from weekly check-ins to monthly felt pretty cold turkey ish, even though Bambina was moving lots and I had reassurance every single day. It was just hard. But I survived a couple of those months between appointments. Victory! Lol!

Looking at my list of appointments, I have one in a month. Fair enough. After that one, I am suddenly into the two week stretches between appointments. Thats a big shift that I’m very much looking forward to. And then, looking slightly further ahead, there are only TWO stretches of two weeks between appointments before I’m in WEEKLY!!! And that only goes for a few weeks before baby comes 💗

I know, basic math tells us that makes total sense. I still have three months to go. Thats not news.

four weeks = one month
two weeks (x2) = one month
one week (x4) = one month

But, guys, thats SOON! I love seeing the time fill, with appointments, fun activities, school functions, day trips to the lake, etc. Today, I’m feeling hopeful that time will move forward at a decent pace, and that I’ll genuinely enjoy the days, and live out a happy spring before it turns to summer and we can welcome our beautiful Bambina home.